Saturday, June 11, 2005


One thing that has been prevalent since I got into the group in March has been Paul's trash talk about competition in wiffleball and mini golf. While he may have the upper hand (for now) in wiffleball, I was certain that I could beat him in mini golf. Coming from Cape Cod, I was well trained at the toughest of courses. This time we decided to take the tour to Pirate's Cove in Yarmouth. It was time to turn on the jets and show him how much better I am.

Let's just say I beat him by 8 strokes. Wait, 8?! Yeah, you heard me.

And as some have eluded to in prior comments, I have been a little discouraged at the fact that while I shot a -1 for the course, Fozz (Former HS guy, remember "Boys of Summer"?) managed to beat me out with a -2 for the course.

(Victor Prepares for his shot while Fozz studies the greens from behind)

Special shout out to the crew working at the Cove that day too, you guys are fun.

Until next time when I once again absolutely destroy Paul, take it easy.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Full Circle

What an unbelievable weekend. I think that for many reasons, these were our first true days as Hyannis Sound 2005.

Friday began with afternoon practice followed by Taylor's graduation party. What a neat time it was singing in a hangar for some really nice folks. Congrats to all the FHS grads we met!

Friday night also marked the beginning of our orientation weekend. This meant that alumni of the group came down to the cape for a weekend of helping us get our show ready for the summer ahead. That night included learning Drive My Car from alumni Matt Wrobel, Darrel Belch, Townsend Belisle, Victor Sandman, Ed Boyer, and Mark Manley.

Saturday proved to be our longest of days with a performance in Walpole, then a graduation party on cape, and our first public performance in Woods Hole that evening. We left the house to head to Heidi Miller's Dance Studio in Walpole. While there, we sang for her adorable class of young dancers, and joined in on some of the moves they were working on.

As you may know already from being at a performance that day, I ripped my pants pretty bad while dancing, and we had to buy replacements on the way to the next show, thus proving that I couldn't get through my first full day of Hyannis Sound performances without doing something ridiculous :-)

After that we headed back on cape for Julie's graduation where we were greeted once again by good times and great people. And having the guys and gals from Style sing parting blessing with us was also a huge highlight of my weekend. You guys are great!

Then it was time for Woods Hole. I was told that this show is a lot of fun and would be my first glimpse at what it is like to perform at a weekly show. I had no idea what I was in for. Shortly before the performance while warming up, we bonded as a group on a level that we had not reached before. It was amazing how connected we were musically and emotionally. Everything just felt right and it hit me hard that this IS the Hyannis Sound 2005. We ran on to the stage to see a large crowd of friends ready to hear what we had been working hard on for the last two weeks. We gave it everything as we do in every performance, and it was the most fun I've had in a long time...This entire day and weekend were just incredible.

One of the most memorable parts of this weekend had to be meeting and learning from the Alumni of the original 1994 Line-up of The Hyannis Sound. Mikey B., Sasha, and Rob Stewart were all there to tell us about what it was like that first summer when they got this all off the ground. 11 years later the similarities are eerie. We even found an old picture of the guys from '94 doing the same 8 Minute Abs tape that we do now on the same living room floor. I just whole heartedly admire they're wisdom and experience, and the help of all singers from the past, who helped us new guys and returning dudes really know what Hyannis Sound is all about. I leave you with a picture of Paul and Sasha (HS '94).