Friday, August 19, 2005

Oh Baby Baby

After much work by the Hyannis Sound Technology Team trying to make it happen, here is, as promised, a 2-minute clip of Andy singing "Baby One More Time" by Britney Spears.

Click Here and Enjoy

(clip is in mp3 format)

Monday, August 15, 2005

Final Week

Well it's here. Final week is upon us. But before I talk about that, let me tell you a little bit about our weekend!

On Saturday we took a trip off-cape all the way to the Berkshires to sing at James and Laura's wedding. It was really beautiful out there. Once we got through the MAJOR cape traffic, we drove out to the Great Barrington area. It's so nice out there. The rolling hills reminded me of school up in New Hampshire. We saw some nice little villages and no chain stores like a Best Buy or Olive Garden. You know you're out there when there's no cell phone reception to be found. I have to say that my favorite memory of the trip was singing on the deck of this manor, overlooking a field and hills as a thunderstorm formed right over us. It was really one-of-a-kind.

Yesterday we sang at the conclusion of Centerville Old Homes Week. What a nice venue! A summer tabernacle with open windows and wood framing. Before that was Day 1 in the studio laying down tracks for our next studio album. It won't be released till 2007 but we lay down half of the tracks this summer. It's a lot of fun and at the same time takes a lot of work. You certainly learn a lot about your voice and how you sound. Ed Boyer (HS '03-'04) has been here recording us. We have two tracks laid down so far with 4 more to go this week.

Tonight is the last Falmouth show of the summer. I can't believe it's here already. One last go-around starts in a few hours...